
Make Sure To Edit Your Presentations

Make Sure To Edit Your Presentations

“Please make sure to review and edit your written slides or notes before you present them to an audience in a professional or academic setting.”

Knowing How to Use -Un, -In, -Il to Prefix Words

Knowing How to Use -Un, -In, -Il to Prefix Words

“When you are looking to improve your English vocabulary by knowing how to create a negative or neutral meaning, you should consider the usage of changing words by adding -Un, -In, -Il to the beginning of each word to change the actual meaning of it.”

The Basics of Writing

The Basics of Writing

“You must first be aware of what exactly your writing will be used for or can be used for, so we need to think about the uses for writing and how best to express yourself.”

Fewer or Less - The Great Debate

Fewer or Less - The Great Debate

Fewer Americans are exercising these days. Because of evaporation, there is less water in the pond. Since retirement, I’ve got fewer things to do during the day. Less podcasting, more rod casting. These are all wonderful examples of less and fewer being used in sentences. Seems simple, right? Not really. There are a lot of nuances that can complicate the usage of less and fewer, even for a native speaker. Fear not, with just a quick read of this blog, you too can distinguish the usage of less and fewer!

Understanding Different English Spelling and Vocabulary (US, UK, and Canada)

Understanding Different English Spelling and Vocabulary (US, UK, and Canada)

“Part of the beauty of the English language is the diversity amongst the countries where it is the primary language of communication. Like many other languages around the world, there are different accents, words, and expressions unique to that particular country where it is the primary language.”

The Building Blocks of Reading Materials

The Building Blocks of Reading Materials

“When you are first starting out in reading the English language, it’s important to incorporate reading materials into your weekly habits. It is a necessary complement to your learning and will help flex that muscle needed to retain both the grammar and the vocabulary that can drive your overall proficiency forward.”

Proper Email Etiquette

Proper Email Etiquette

“In order to write good emails for your professional pursuits or for your career, you need to be able to understand the proper etiquette that comes with this kind of writing. If you are able to master the etiquette of emails, you will be able to do a good job in working well with others, being cooperative, and being considered a team player.”

On Writing Memos

On Writing Memos

“What is a memorandum you may ask? A memorandum or ‘memo’ is a type of written message passed along in a business for internal changes and review. Being able to edit, write, and understand memos is a key part of being successful in the business world. Memos are usually shorter in terms of written length and can range from as little as 100 words to about 1000 words depending on the subject matter.”

Writing Formal Letters

Writing Formal Letters

“Writing a formal letter has gone out of style with the rise of e-mails and text messages. However, it is not gone yet and if you would like to stand out as a great English writer, I really recommend you learn more about the art of writing formal letters. Writing a letter, in general, is great practice especially when it comes to developing your vocabulary and sentence structure.”

Using Worksheets to Succeed

Using Worksheets to Succeed

”If you are learning a language such as English, it can be tough to justify doing homework and worksheets and additional activities. However, here’s a secret for you, dear reader: you have to do it as part of the learning process. In order to retain the knowledge, you have learned either through online courses, private lessons, or group classes, you need to have worksheets or activities in order to be able to remember what the concepts were that you have to put into practice.”