
English Winter Vocabulary from A to Z

English Winter Vocabulary from A to Z

“Right now, we are going through the height of winter, which may not be your favorite season of the year but for which there is a multitude of vocabulary words to describe it.”

Knowing How to Use -Un, -In, -Il to Prefix Words

Knowing How to Use -Un, -In, -Il to Prefix Words

“When you are looking to improve your English vocabulary by knowing how to create a negative or neutral meaning, you should consider the usage of changing words by adding -Un, -In, -Il to the beginning of each word to change the actual meaning of it.”

The Basics of Writing

The Basics of Writing

“You must first be aware of what exactly your writing will be used for or can be used for, so we need to think about the uses for writing and how best to express yourself.”

'The Terminal' Movie and the English Speaking Journey

'The Terminal' Movie and the English Speaking Journey

Viktor was forced into an environment where everything around him was in English or where English became the bridge language for the many cultures who passed through the airport. He had to start small, so he began watching the news feed playing in the airport. They were reporting on the ongoing civil war in his country. Using phonetics, he sounded out the words that he could read and interpreted the name of his country. Then he began interpreting phrases on the captions below the news report. The news is a perfect way for a non-native speaker to learn English, it shows proper language and diverse vocabulary for huge issues.

The Importance of the English Language for Landing a Job

The Importance of the English Language for Landing a Job

To put food on the table, a roof over your head, and to live in comfort are some of the greatest things you can do. Having a solid career is an easy way to do those things. Frankly, learning the English language is the key to climb up the business ladder. It will really set you apart from other candidates and allow for you to broaden your horizons. By learning English, you can more easily land a job just because of how many people speak it, the fact that it is the official language of many renowned organizations and world leaders, the plethora of soft-skills that come with it, its ease of learning, and the internet of all things. The English language is perfect for multinational organizations and governmental work.

Decoding the Gen-Z English Slanguage

Decoding the Gen-Z English Slanguage

“Sheesh.” You’re probably some old head looking for a clear translation of what these Tik-Tok-Teenagers are trying to say. I get it, sometimes it sounds like a lot of nonsensical froth coming out of a Gen-Zer; that’s because it is.”

Using English Words of Compassion and Kindness

Using English Words of Compassion and Kindness

“One of the key parts of English vocabulary that a new learner to the language should focus on is to how to be compassionate and kind to other people. When you learn English as a Second Language, your vocabulary to express kindness, compassion, and understanding towards others should be a top priority. Expressing kindness in English or in any language will get you very far with other native speakers and can help you in any situation.”

Understanding Different English Spelling and Vocabulary (US, UK, and Canada)

Understanding Different English Spelling and Vocabulary (US, UK, and Canada)

“Part of the beauty of the English language is the diversity amongst the countries where it is the primary language of communication. Like many other languages around the world, there are different accents, words, and expressions unique to that particular country where it is the primary language.”

The Building Blocks of Reading Materials

The Building Blocks of Reading Materials

“When you are first starting out in reading the English language, it’s important to incorporate reading materials into your weekly habits. It is a necessary complement to your learning and will help flex that muscle needed to retain both the grammar and the vocabulary that can drive your overall proficiency forward.”

Proper Email Etiquette

Proper Email Etiquette

“In order to write good emails for your professional pursuits or for your career, you need to be able to understand the proper etiquette that comes with this kind of writing. If you are able to master the etiquette of emails, you will be able to do a good job in working well with others, being cooperative, and being considered a team player.”